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2018-08-06 08:14 点击:[882]

王世英(Shiying WANG,曾任职于新疆大学、山西大学等院校,现任河南师范大学的特聘教授,博导,中原数学研究院副院长。1981年3月毕业于晋中学院(原晋中师专)数学系。1990年在陕西师范大学获理学学士学位。1993年在陕西师范大学获理学硕士学位。2000年于郑州大学系统科学与数学系博士研究生毕业,获理学博士学位。2002年8月于华中科技大学系统工程博士后流动站出站,获博士后证书。学士学位论文:《图与补图断裂度的关系》,硕士学位论文:《Cayley 图》,博士学位论文:《Some structure problems for matching in graphs》和博士后研究工作报告:《Some new results of DNA computing and graph theory》。出版专著2部,在国内外学术刊物上发表学术论文200多篇。主持了5个国家自然科学基金项目。主持了1个教育部博士点基金(博导类)项目。培养毕业了48个硕士研究生,10个博士研究生(数学,系统工程)。2005年作为完成人之一(7(13))获中华人民共和国教育部自然科学一等奖;2011年作为第一完成人获山西省科学技术三等奖。



2.国家自然科学基金面上项目:互连网络容错理论(61370001) (2014.01-2017.12)

4.教育部博士点基金(博导类): 网络连通性优化研究(20111401110005) (2012.01-2016.12)



[1].王世英, 林上为. 网络连通性的最优化(专著).北京: 科学出版社,2009.

[2].王世英, 李晶,杨玉星, 互连网络的容错嵌入(专著). 北京:科学出版社,2012.


[1].Shiying Wang, Guozhen Zhang, Kai Fengc, Edge fault tolerance of cartesian product graphs on super restricted edge connectivity, The Computer Journal 61 (5) (2018) 761-772 (SCI).

[2].Shiying Wang, Xiaolei Ma, Diagnosability of alternating group graphs with missing edges, Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering 11 (1) ( 2018) 51-57 (EI).

[3].Shiying Wang,Lingqi Zhao, A note on the nature diagnosability of alternating group graphs under the PMC model and MM* model, Journal of Interconnection Networks 18 ( 1 ) (2018) 1850005 (EI).

[4].Mujiangshan Wang,Lin,Shiying Wang, The 1-good-neighbor connectivity and diagnosability of Cayley graphs generated by complete graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2017.02.023(SCI).

[5].Shiying Wang, Xiaolei Ma, The g-extra connectivity and diagnosability of crossed cubes,Applied Mathematics and Computation(出版中)(SCI).

[6].Shiying Wang; Zhenhua Wang; Mujiangshan Wang, The 2-good-neighbor connectivity and 2-good-neighbor diagnosability of bubble-sort star graph networks, Discrete Applied Mathematics 217 (2017) 691-706 (SCI).

[7].Mujiangshan Wang, Shiying Wang, The 1-good-neighbor diagnosability of Cayley graphs generated by transposition trees under the PMC model and MM* model, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 94 (3) (2017) 620-631(SCI).

[8].Shiying Wang, Meiyu Wang, Lei Zhang, A sufficient condition for graphs to be super k-restricted edge connected, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 37 (2017) 537–545 (SCI)

[9].Yuxing Yang, Shiying Wang, Embedding various cycles with prescribed paths into k-ary n-cubes, Discrete Applied Mathematics 220 (2017) 161–169 (SCI).

[10].Yuxia Ren, Shiying Wang, The tightly super 2-extra connectivity and 2-extra diagnosability of locally twisted cubes, Journal of Interconnection Networks 17 (2) (2017) 1750006 (EI).

[11].Shiying Wang, Yuxing Yang,The 2-good-neighbor (2-extra) diagnosability of alternating group graph networks under the PMC model and MM* model, Applied Mathematics and Computation,Volume 305, 15 July 2017, Pages 241-250(SCI, top).

[12].Shiying Wang, Zhenhua Wang, Mujiangshan Wang, and Weiping Han, The g-good-neighbor conditional diagnosability of star graph networks under the PMC model and MM* model, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2017, 12(5): 1221–1234 (SCI).

[13].Yunxia Ren; Shiying Wang, Theg-good-neighbor diagnosability of locally twisted cubes, Theoretical Computer Science 697 (2017) 91–97 (SCI).

[14].Mujiangshan Wang,Yuqing Lin, Shiying Wang, The connectivity and nature diagnosability of expanded k-ary n-cubes, RAIRO-Theoretical Informatics and Applications 51 (2) (2017) 71-89 (SCI).

[15].Aixia Liu, Shiying Wang, Jun Yuan, Jing Li, On g-extra conditional diagnosability of hypercubes and folded hypercubes, Theoretical Computer Science 704 (2017) 62–73 (SCI).

[16]. Mujiangshan Wang, Yuqing Lin; Shiying Wang, The 2-good-neighbor diagnosabilityofCayley graphs generated by transposition trees under the PMC model and MM* model, Theoretical Computer Science, 2016, 628: 92-100 (SCI,EI).

[17]. Shiying Wang, Weiping Han, The g-good-neighbor conditional diagnosability of n-dimensional hypercubes under the MM* model, Information Processing Letters, 2016, 116: 574–577 (SCI).

[18]. Shiying Wang, Zhenhua Wang, Mujiangshan Wang, The 2-extra connectivity and 2-extra diagnosability of bubble-sort star graph networks, The Computer Journal, (2016) 59 (12): 1839-1856. (SCI).

[19]Shiying Wang, DNA computing of bipartite graphs for maximum matching, Journal ofMathematical Chemistry, 2002, 31( 3): 271-279 (SCI).

[20]. Yachun Liu, Xiaofeng Guo, Jin Xu, Linqiang Pan and Shiying Wang, Some notes on 2-Dgraphical representation of DNA sequences, Journal of Chemical Information and ComputerSciences, 2002, 42: 529-533 (SCI,EI).

[21]. Yachun Liu, Jin Xu, Linqiang Pan and Shiying Wang, DNA solution of a graph coloringproblem, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 2002, 42: 524-528 (SCI,EI).

[22].Shiying Wang, Jianxiu Hao, The extreme set condition of a graph, Discrete Mathematics, 2003,260: 151-161 ( SCI, EI).

[23].Shiying Wang, Aiming Yang, DNA solution of integer linear programming, AppliedMathematics and Computation, 2005, 17: 626-632 (SCI,EI) .

[24].Shiying Wang, Shangwei Lin, Sufficient conditions for a graph to be super restrictededge-connected, Networks, 2008, 51(3):200-209 (SCI, EI).

[25]. Shiying Wang, Jun Yuan, Aixia Liu, k-Restricted edge connectivity for some interconnectionnetworks, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2008, 201 (1-2): 587-596 (SCI, EI).

[26].WANG Shiying, YUAN Jun LIN, Shangwei, DNA labelled graphs with DNA computing,Science in China, Series A: Mathematics, 2008,51(3):437-452( SCI).

[27]. Shiying Wang, Shangwei Lin, Chunfang Li, Sufficient conditions for super k-restricted edgeconnectivity in graphs of diameter 2, Discrete Mathematics, 2009,309(4): 908-919 (SCI, EI).[28]. Shiying Wang,Shangwei Lin, '-optimal digraphs, Information ProcessingLetters, 2008,108 (6): 386-389(SCI, EI) .

[29]. Shiying Wang, Jun Yuan, Aixia Liu, Sufficient conditions for super-arc-strongly connectedoriented graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 2008, 24(6):587-595(SCI ).

[30]. Jun Yuan, Aixia Liu, Shiying Wang, Sufficient conditions for bipartite graphs to be superk-restricted edge connected, Discrete Mathematics, 2009,309(9):2886-2896(SCI,EI).

[31]. Shiying Wang, Shangwei LinThe k-restricted edge connectivity of undirected Kautz graphs,Discrete Mathematics,2009,309(13):4649-4652(SCI,EI).

[32]. Ruixia Wang, Aimin Yang, Shiying Wang, Kings in locally semicomplete digraphs, Journalof Graph Theory, 2010,63(4):279-287(SCI,EI).

[33]. Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Lihong Wu, Shangwei Lin, Neighborhood conditions for graphs to besuper restricted edge connected, Networks,2010,56(1):11-19(SCI, EI ).

[34].Shiying Wang, Shangwei LinPath embeddings in faulty 3-ary n-cubes, Information Science,2010, 180(1): 191-197(SCI, EI).

[35].Shangwei Lin, Shiying Wang, Super p-restricted edge connectivity of lineGraphs,Information Science, 2009, 179(18): 3122–3126(SCI,EI).

[36].Shiying Wang, Ruixia Wang, The structure of strong arc-locally in-semicomplete digraphs,Discrete Mathematics, 2009,309(23-24):6555-6562(SCI,EI).

[37]. Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Wei Han, Shangwei Lin, The base sets of primitive zero-symmetricsign pattern matrices with zero trace, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2010,433(3):595-605(SCI, EI).

[38]. Shiying Wang, Ruixia Wang, Shangwei Lin, Jing Li, Matching preclusion for k-ary n-cubes,Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2010, 158(18): 2066-2070(SCI,EI).

[39]. Shiying Wang, Ruixia Wang, Independent sets and non-augmentable paths in arc-locallyin-semicomplete digraphs and quasi-arc-transitive digraphs, Discrete Mathematics,2011, 311(4):282-288 (SCI,EI).

[40].Shangwei Lin, Shiying Wang, Chunfang Li, Panconnectivity and edge-pancyclicity of k-aryn-cubes with faulty elements, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2011,159 (4): 212-223 (SCI , EI).

[41].Jing Li, Shiying Wang, Di Liu, Pancyclicity of ternary n-cube networks under the conditionalfault model, Information Processing Letters, 2011, 111(8): 370-374(SCI I, EI).

[42]. Shiying Wang, Shurong Zhang, Embedding hamiltonian paths in k-ary n-cubes withconditional edge faults, Theoretical Computer Science, 2011, 412(46): 6570-6584(SCI, EI).

[43]. Jing Li, Shiying Wang, Di Liu, Shangwei Lin, Edge-bipancyclicity of the k-ary n-cubes withfaulty nodes and edges, Information Sciences, 2011, 181 (11): 2260–2267(SCI,EI).

[44]. Shiying Wang; Jing Li; Ruixia Wang, Hamiltonian paths and cycles with prescribed edges inthe 3-ary n-cube, Information Sciences, 2011, 181(14): 3054-3065(SCI, EI)

[45]. Shiying Wang, Yuxing Yang, Jing Li, Shangwei Lin, Hamiltonian cycles passing throughlinear forests in k-ary n-cubes, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2011, 159 (14):1425-1435 (SCI,EI ).

[46]. Shiying WangLei ZhangShangwei LinA neighborhood condition for graphs to bemaximally k-restricted edge connected, Information Processing Letters, 2012, 112 (3): 95-97(SCI,EI)

[48]. Shiying Wang, Kai Feng, Shurong Zhang, Jing Li, Embedding long cycles in faulty k-ary

2-cubes, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012, 218 (9): 5409-5413 (SCI ,EI).

[49]. Shiying Wang, Yuxing Yang, Fault tolerance in bubble-sort graph networks, TheoreticalComputer Science,,2012, 421C: 62-69 (SCI,EI).

[50]. Shiying Wang, Jun Yuan, DNA Computing of directed line-graphs, Match-Communicationsin Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 2006, 56(3): 479-484 (SCI )

[51]. Yuxing Yang, Shiying Wang, Conditional connectivity of star graph networks underembedding restriction, Information Sciences, 2012, 199 (15): 187–192 (SCI, EI).

[52]. Ruixia Wang, Shiying Wang. Kings in strong tournaments, Ars Combinatorics, 2016, 126: 351-358 (SCI)

[53]. Shiying WangGuozhen Zhang, Kai Feng, Fault tolerance in k-ary n-cube networks,Theoretical Computer Science,2012, 460: 34–41(SCI,EI).

[54]. Yuxing Yang, Shiying Wang, Fault-free Hamiltonian cycles passing through a linear forest internary n-cubes with faulty edges, Theoretical Computer Science, 2013, 491: 78–82(SCI,EI).

[55]. Shurong Zhang, Shiying Wang, Many-to-many disjoint path covers in k-ary n-cubes,Theoretical Computer Science, 2013, 491: 103–118 (SCI,EI).

[56]. Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Shangwei Lin, Ruixia Wang, Fault-tolerant embedding of cycles ofvarious lengths in k-ary n-cubes, Information and Computation, 2013, 230: 55–66 (SCI,EI).

[57]. Shiying Wang, Kai Feng, Guozhen Zhang,Strong matching preclusion for k-ary n-cubes,Discrete Applied Mathematics , 2013, 161 (18): 3054-3062 (SCI,EI).

[58]. Ruixia Wang, Shiying Wang,A sufficient condition for graphs to be -optimal, DiscreteApplied Mathematics , 2013, 161 (18): 3048–3053 (SCI,EI).

[59]. Shiying Wanga, Kai Feng, Strong matching preclusion for torus networks, TheoreticalComputer Science, 2014, 520: 97–110(SCI,EI).

[60]. Shiying Wang, Shurong Zhang, Hamiltonian path embeddings in conditional faulty k-aryn-cubes, Information Sciences,2014, 268: 463–488(SCI,EI).

[61]. Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Yuxing Yang, Unchanging the diameter of k-ary n-cube networks withfaulty vertices, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2015, 92 (1) : 15-28 (SCI,EI).

[62]. Shiying Wang, Kai Feng, Fault tolerance in the arrangement graphs, Theoretical ComputerScience, 2014, 533: 64–71 (SCI, EI).

[63]. Yuxing Yang, Shiying Wang, Jing Li, Conditional connectivity of recursive interconnectionnetworks respect to embedding restriction, Information Sciences, 2014, 279: 273–279(SCI,EI).

[64]. Kai Feng, Shiying Wang, Strong matching preclusion for two-dimensional torus networks,International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2015, 92 (3) : 473-485 (SCI,<span style="font-family:'font-size:14px"